Mañana, JUEVES, 24 DE ABRIL, el sistema se apagará debido a tareas habituales de mantenimiento a partir de las 9 de la mañana. Lamentamos las molestias.

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dc.contributor.authorCantador Gutiérrez, Iván 
dc.contributor.authorElliott, Desmond
dc.contributor.authorJose, Joemon M.
dc.contributor.otherUAM. Departamento de Ingeniería Informáticaes_ES
dc.identifier.citationINDREC 2009: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Recommender-based Industrial Applications, at the RecSys 2009: 3rd ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. ACM, New York, October 22-25, 2009en_US
dc.descriptionThis is an electronic version of the paper presented at the 1st International Workshop on Recommender-based Industrial Applications, held in New York on 2009en_US
dc.description.abstractWe describe a case study of the exploitation of Data Mining techniques for creating an industrial recommender system. The aim of this system is to recommend items of a fashion retail store chain in Spain, producing leaflets for loyal customers announcing new products that they are likely to want to purchase. Motivated by the fact of having little information about the customers, we propose to relate demographic attributes of the users with content attributes of the items. We hypothesise that the description of users and items in a common content-based feature space facilitates the identification of those products that should be recommended to a particular customer. We present a recommendation framework that builds Decision Trees for the available demographic attributes. Instead of using these trees for classification, we use them to extract those content-based item attributes that are most widespread among the purchases of users who share the demographic attribute values of the active user. We test our recommendation framework on a dataset with oneyear purchase transaction history. Preliminary evaluations show that better item recommendations are obtained when using demographic attributes in a combined way rather than using them independently.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research was supported by the European Commission under contracts FP6-027122-SALERO, FP6-033715-MIAUCE and FP6-045032 SEMEDIA. The expressed content is the view of the authors but not necessarily the view of SALERO, MIAUCE and SEMEDIA projects as a whole.en_US
dc.format.extent8 pág.es_ES
dc.subject.otherRecommender Systemsen_US
dc.subject.otherData Miningen_US
dc.subject.otherDecision Treesen_US
dc.titleA case study of exploiting data mining techniques for an industrial recommender systemen_US
dc.relation.eventdateOctober 22-25, 2009en_US
dc.relation.eventplaceNew York (United States)en_US
dc.relation.eventtitle1st International Workshop on Recommender-based Industrial Applications, INDREC 2009en_US
dc.contributor.groupRecuperación de información (ING EPS-008)es_ES
dc.rights.ccReconocimiento – NoComercial – SinObraDerivadaes_ES
dc.authorUAMCantador Gutiérrez, Iván (261086)
dc.facultadUAMEscuela Politécnica Superior

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