Mañana, JUEVES, 24 DE ABRIL, el sistema se apagará debido a tareas habituales de mantenimiento a partir de las 9 de la mañana. Lamentamos las molestias.

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dc.contributor.advisorLara Jaramillo, Juan de 
dc.contributor.authorBlessing, Jerry
dc.contributor.otherUAM. Departamento de Ingeniería Informáticaes_ES
dc.descriptionMasters in Formal Methods in Computer Science and Engineering UCM/UAM/UPMes_ES
dc.description.abstractSoftware product lines are a method for creating a family of products thatshare a typical managed set of features, satisfy the precise needs of a selected domain,and provide an improved quality of software systems by systematically reusing softwareartefacts at reduced cost and time. A feature model represents the space of all possible andallowed configurations of all products in an SPL. Various predefined feature combinationsenable the product to be personalized based on specific user requirements. However,because some features are interdependent and the feature models may have many options,users must understand the implications of selecting the correct feature combinations forthe product derivation. Chatbot support can address this challenge by guiding the userthrough a suitable set of features for the product configuration process. Users can interactwith a chatbot using natural language in a familiar environment like Telegram, Slack, orFacebook. In this work, we propose chatbots in the configuration of software product linesbased on feature models and present SPLBOT, an approach for SPLs chatbot generators.The methodology relies on Eclipse, FeatureIDE, and CONGA (for Dialogflow chatbotgeneration). Furthermore, we present an evaluation of our approach’s effectiveness andscalability using three practical examples.es_ES
dc.format.extent81 pág.es_ES
dc.subject.otherSoftware Product Lineses_ES
dc.subject.otherFeature Modeles_ES
dc.titleAutomated Synthesis of chatbots for configuring software product lineses_ES
dc.rights.ccReconocimiento – NoComercial – SinObraDerivadaes_ES
dc.facultadUAMEscuela Politécnica Superior

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